An intensive peer-to-peer coaching program to help you grow and scale your creative business with an intentional community.

Ready to grow your business while creating a life you love?

Intentional community and mastermind-style education for the wedding photographer looking to grow and scale their business in a sustainable way while creating meaningful connections.

You're in the right place if:

You are feeling stuck on how to grow and scale your business

You have invested so much in education but you need MORE than just another conference or workshop.

You need community and to be surrounded by people who will encourage you to push yourself.

You are ready to make the emotional, financial, and time commitment to make real change for growth.

You are looking to raise your prices for more time with your family.

The kwp mastermind 

What is included:

Weekly Group  Calls

1:1 Coaching Calls

Access to  Community

Working Retreat

Branding photos

This is your chance to be on the "hot seat" where you will get to ask any questions and brainstorm any idea or product, or just work through current pain points.  Past students have used these for website audits, improving client experience, pricing structure, brainstorming marketing strategies, and so much more. 

Each member will receive four 1:1 coaching calls for my individualized coaching. We can use this call to deep dive anything you'd like, whether it is a new offer or your current client experience and workflows! We will have a strategy call to start, one check-in halfway through, one during the retreat, and one post-mastermind for a check-in! 

Each member will be added to a group chat on voxer where you can brainstorm ideas and ask questions throughout the week so you have that community and support in between calls! The constant access to friends who are invested in your growth as well as their own is one of my favorite parts!

Your mastermind experience includes a 3 day retreat to wrap up the mastermind where we will create community, share ideas, give you a branding session, set goals for the next few months, and have a 1:1 coaching session time. Your stay at a beautiful home in Blacksburg, VA on January 7th-10th and all your meals are included with the mastermind.

Having photos to showcase your brand is so important, and we will give you updated branding photos to reflect your brand at our in-person retreat!! 

click here to apply

September 2024-January 2025

Morbi id metus non nisi dignissim vulputate nec et ipsum. Maecenas eleifend libero eget est pretium malesuada. Sed pulvinar purus mauris, ut mollis erat pharetra ut. Ut ultricies ante quis tortor condimentum volutpat. Morbi mi risus, cursus eu felis rutrum, sodales mollis erat. Sed sagittis posuere libero eu sagittis. Quisque dapibus enim eros, ut ornare ante luctus eget. Sed mi libero, porttitor sit amet lacinia quis, semper non purus. 


Little Red Bug Event Planning


-natalie forsythe

Yes! It certainly a next-level decision for my business while Also keeping true to the create family atmosphere!! I highly recommend it if you are stuck in a hard place with your business and looking for likeminded Entrepreneurs to have discussions with! And encouragement! LOTS OF ENCOURAGEMENT!!!!

"A next-level decision  for my business"

-katelyn hambick

“Being a part of Katelyn's mastermind was truly game-changing for my business! After 11 years of being a wedding photographer, I was feeling a lack of motivation to take my business to the next level. Katelyn and the other mastermind members held me accountable, encouraged me, and challenged me to make some much needed changes to my business!

"One of the best investments I've ever made"

jerica p.

Quisque maximus nibh nec ante vulputate aliquet. Aliquam aliquet nisi facilisis, aliquet sem non, pellentesque ligula. Vivamus efficitur maximus lacus, sit amet mollis libero pellentesque sit amet. 

I can't believe how much I didn't know!

colette a.

Quisque maximus nibh nec ante vulputate aliquet. Aliquam aliquet nisi facilisis, aliquet sem non, pellentesque ligula. Vivamus efficitur maximus lacus, sit amet mollis libero pellentesque sit amet. 

Magen is the best teacher for business!

Maybe you are feeling stuck, or maybe you are just ready for intentional growth and need like-minded people to run the race with you...

With the KWP Mastermind you get the creativity + connections that comes with a retreat, + the individual push that comes with 1:1 coaching sessions all for 5 months of growing a business you LOVE.

What if with the mastermind you could:

Share your ideas with friends who get it 

have weekly calls for accountability to reach new financial goals

have problem-solving coaching calls to scale your business

make connections you need to help you find joy in your business again

After starting my wedding photography business, I quickly realized that what I loved most was connecting with people and giving them a fun experience. Then when I started coaching other photographers, the same was true. While I loved attending conferences and workshops and spent a lot of money in online courses, I realized in order to really grow and scale, I needed more. 

So for the first time, I invested in a mastermind program and after a year of learning from business coaches and fellow business owners, I realized how important it was for me at that stage in my business. 

We can only get so far with conferences and online courses...

So I decided to host my own mastermind as a way to help others grow and scale. My favorite thing to do is to bring people together and help foster community, and this is taking it just a few steps farther. 

Why the KWP Mastermind?


What you get...
- Coaching and connection calls
- New business besties to share ideas with
- Encouragement and support
- Collaborative planning 
- Guidance for growth for reaching financial goals you didn't think were possible

Oh, and let's not forget the bonuses...
Bonus #1: A long weekend retreat to recharge + implement
Bonus #2: Expert guest educators

 you are ready grow and scale your creative business with an intentional community.

This is for You If

This Mastermind isn't for everyone!! 

The KWP Mastermind is by application only, and there are only 5 spots available. I curate the group so that you get the most out of it, and I wouldn't let you invest if I don't think you are ready.

this is only for you if...

you already have a profitable business

you are willing to pour into others and encourage them

you are willing to put in the work-- no one can do it for you

you are able to invest financially at this point


 The intentional time spent with these other women truly transformed my mindset about my business and renewed my excitement, my vision, and confidence for my business moving forward. I am SO excited for what the next couples of months will hold for me.

Thank you Katelyn for such a transformative experience! 

$1800 Weekend Retreat

$2400 KWP branding session

$2000 four 1:1 calls with Katelyn

$500 personal marketing coaching

$500 branding coaching

+Weekly hot seats to share ideas 
+Community support with business besties
+5 months Mon-Thurs voxer access to Katelyn not offered any other time

We know this is a substantial investment. But I believe in order to fully commit and get the most out of this experience, you have to be willing to make a large investment.

So how much does it cost?

the kwp mastermind value:

$10,000+ value if purchased separately


investment options



monthly payments

better value!

monthly payment plan with 5 monthly payments



5 months of coaching + an impactful support system for the price of less than one wedding...


An intensive peer-to-peer coaching program to help you grow and scale your creative business with an intentional community.