ASK KWP: Why isn’t personal marketing working for me?

If you have been following for awhile, you know that I love sharing about personal marketing. I love getting people the tools to market their business for free just sharing authentically on social media.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about and you need help with personal marketing, start here with this free guide: How to Get More Clients for Free.
If you have been implementing all of the strategies I share, and you have been sharing your core connection points, but you feel burnt out from sharing and you just aren’t connecting with clients and colleagues, you are probably forgetting a really important, really easy step.
Yes, you do that by sharing authentically who you are. But the whole purpose of social media is to give us a tool to connect with people virtually, the same as we would in person.
It is such an amazing way to connect with people all over the world, from your home office.
But what happens in a friendship if all you do is share about yourself? It’s not a friendship at all! So while you are sharing content that helps people connect with you, make sure you are taking time to connect with your audience as real people!! (See examples of how I do this here:
Next time you make a post, or share a story, instead of spending the next half hour pointlessly scrolling, going down the comparison hole, and feeling more isolated and discouraged, spend twenty minutes being intentional about reading out to encourage and support others.
The KWP Challenge:
After you post your content for the day, spend twenty minutes immediately engaging with your audience. This can look like:
-an encouraging comment on a post
-sending a resource to a newly engaged couple
-checking in on a friend through dms
-following a new vendor you want to work with
-inviting a vendor friend to coffee
-sharing vendor friend’s posts in stories (win-win because you are providing value to your ideal client and supporting an industry friend)

Try this challenge for a week, and come back and let me know how it went in the comments!
I bet you will find yourself enjoying those platforms more, connecting more genuinely with people, and finding that personal marketing is starting to work– because it is truly so much more than just about posting content.
Do you need community in your business and are struggling to find that online? CREATE Retreat is an in-person retreat that might be exactly what you need! Find out more here:
With love,
Katelyn Workman
I truly find these tips helpful. As someone who’s on the shy (until you know me) and private side, it can become a little difficult to connect with an audience.
Giselle Grzesiak oh I’m so glad!! I am working on a course all about making connections to build your business, and it is challenging me to find ways to teach practically what comes naturally to me to others who it might not because they are more shy or introverted! So that feedback is super encouraging!!
This is some great advice, Katelyn! We’re working hard to build those connections in our business, but I think these actionable steps make a great roadmap to success. We’ll get started on them this week. Thanks!!
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