ASK KWP: What do I use to collect payments?
This is one of the most common questions I get from new photographers and entrepreneurs when starting their businesses.
There are a lot of ways people tend to start, like Paypal or Venmo because they don’t want to pay for something else.
I get it.
I understand not wanting to spend money.
But I think having a great CRM like Honeybook is one of the most important steps to set yourself up for success and protect yourself to make more money.
I have said before that having contracts is so important. If you haven’t heard me say this, you can read about steps to take when starting a photography business here: https://katelynworkmanphotography.com/2022/07/25/how-to-start-a-photography-business/
Honeybook makes it so easy to collect payments, track expenses, keep up with payments, send contracts, send questionnaires, and honestly so many other things I don’t even take advantage of.
Starting your business with Honeybook allows you to set up proper systems and workflows in the beginning that will help your business keep running smoothly as you keep growing!
Here is a glance at my client workflow on Honeybook just to give you an idea:
-Inquiries from my website automatically put into a new project on Honeybook with all the info
-I use an email template saved in the program to respond to inquiries. You can automate these, but I like to personalize each one a little so I don’t.
-This also shows if I have any projects already on that date so I don’t double book, and it adds projects booked to my google calendar!
-After an inquiry call, I create a proposal in Honeybook. This includes a contract and payment schedule. I use templates for these so it only takes a few minutes to customize this.
(Thelawtog is a great resource if you need help making contracts!)
-They can sign the contract and pay their retainer from there, and then a welcome e-mail automatically sends and the project is added to my calendar!
-From there, I can monitor my monthly and yearly income. Honestly for someone who isn’t tech-savvy, Honeybook has been like a faithful employee and I could not run my business smoothly without it.
If this sounds like something you need, follow this link for 50% off your first year!
I hope this is a helpful resource! If you have questions, just drop them in the comments!

With love,
Katelyn Workman