Almost eight years ago, I got to hold a tiny baby just a few minutes after he was born. He was so small + perfect. I had never been there for any baby’s birth, and I was instantly attached. A few years later, that little one started calling me “Auntie KT.” I got to spend so much time with him while his mama was deployed and serving our country. We were best buds! Somehow that same little tiny thing I held in my arms, that same buddy of mine, is almost eight years old. I cannot believe how he has grown. He still belly laughs like no one else I’ve ever met, and I love to get him giggling. I am so proud of the little guy he is growing up to be, and so blessed to be his auntie.
Life has changed so much since he was born! He was SO excited to get to be a big brother, and I was just as excited to be an auntie to another little man. Because my sister and her husband live so far away, and I have my own wild little one, I wasn’t able to be there when his new brother was born. But as I was holding him in my arms, I was immediately just as attached. He is so happy and the most easy-going baby I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to get to know him as he grows up!
I am such a proud Auntie and just had to share some shots we snapped in between games of aggravation, lots of eating, and lots of laughter this weekend!