Where to even begin with a Showit United recap!! Several months ago, I texted my photographer friends Zoe and asked if she would consider going to the Showit United conference in Phoenix, Arizona. I told Will there was no way I’d fly there by myself, and I didn’t think she would go, and we had to decide quickly because we knew tickets would sell out. A few days later she called and said, “let’s do it!”
So we packed our bags and flew to Phoenix, Arizona. Will was dad of the year and handled juggling the kids back and forth to different family members each day while he worked. And it was SO worth it!!!
IF you don’t know, Showit is my AMAZING website platform. When I say amazing, I mean it. The community that they have built and their hearts to serve is just incredible. Besides that, I have many creative gifts… anything technical with the website side of things is NOT one of those gifts. It seems like I am messaging their help desk every single time I need to change something and they are always quick to respond and explain in a way that even I can understand; or if they can’t, they just go in and fix it for me, haha!
They put together an amazing experience and I am so grateful for the connections I made, the encouragement, and the practical steps I needed to take my business to the next level. I took very few photos and when I did they were only iPhone photos, so forgive me for the quality… I did take out the big camera for a styled wedding that I will share to make up for it!!
Before I left, I was reading the book “Traction” about gaining momentum and taking your business to the next level. As I read it, and it asked for 3 year and 10 year plans, I was very frustrated because I just felt like I wasn’t sure how to grow anymore. I feel so blessed with my business and the financial freedom it allows to spend time with my family while doing something I love, but I just want to keep pushing myself to grow and be better. This trip was exactly what I needed to give me some clarity for where I need to be and I am so thankful it came at just the right time!!
We started the trip with me introducing Zoe to flying!! She was a little less excited than Sonya was on her first plane ride this summer, but still loved it. So thankful for her friendship!! The resort was beautiful!!
I started every morning with yoga and it was SO nice! Such a great way to start the day.
I met Katelyn James the first night at the welcome party and could have cried. Her online course taught me how to use my camera, and over the years she has taught me so much about how to serve well through photography! Her keynote speech about weathering through storms had us all in tears.
Amy and Jordan are also mentors and it was an honor to meet them! They have taught me a lot about being more intentional with balancing life and business.
The second night at dinner, I sat at a round table in the corner of the restaurant and talked with the sweetest group of girls for hours. Their encouragement and challenging my goals was one of my favorite parts of the trip.
We loved getting dressed up to go to the “Gala in Pastel.”
I also enjoyed a styled shoot with an amazing team of vendors I will share soon!! The resort was beautiful, and the light there is so different and just gorgeous!!! I love our mountains in the Virginias but I am SO ready for some destination weddings on the West Coast!
Another amazing role model in the industry!!
Laylee led a breakout session and answered so many questions I had about new big goals I have this year. Her talk was called “Becoming an educator the right way.” Does that give you any hints for what is coming??
Thank you to my favorite local boutique, Sweet Pea Hill Boutique, for dressing me so well for this trip! I called Zoe while in the shop and was saying I had no idea what to wear and what the weather would be like, and the girls at the shop overheard and quickly gave me the perfect options!
Thank you Showit United, for being an amazing experience and for pushing me to grow and showing me how!!
Want to see some actual quality photos after all these terrible iPhone shots? View recent work here:
With love,
Katelyn Workman